Horizon Agent API
本文档包含在边缘节点上运行的Horizon Agent的Horizon REST API。 API的输出为JSON紧凑格式。为了获得更好的视图,可以在Web浏览器中使用JSONView扩展名,也可以从命令行界面使用jq
curl -s http://<ip>/status | jq '.'
API: GET/status
- 200 -- success
name | subfield | type | description |
configuration | json | the configuration data. | |
exchange_api | string | the url for the exchange being used by the Horizon agent. | |
exchange_version | string | the current version of the exchange being used. | |
required_minimum_exchange_version | string | the required minimum version for the exchange. | |
preferred_exchange_version | string | the preferred version for the exchange in order to use all the horizon functions. | |
mms_api | string | the url for the model management system. | |
architecture | string | the hardware architecture of the node as returned from the Go language API runtime.GOARCH. | |
horizon_version | string | The current version of the horiozn running on this node. | |
connectivity | json | whether or not the node has network connectivity with some remote sites. |
curl -s http://localhost:8510/status | jq '.'
"configuration": {
"exchange_api": "http://exchange-api:8080/v1/",
"exchange_version": "2.15.1",
"required_minimum_exchange_version": "2.15.1",
"preferred_exchange_version": "2.15.1",
"mms_api": "https://css-api:9443",
"architecture": "amd64",
"horizon_version": "2.24.5"
"liveHealth": null
API: GET/status/workers
获取当前Horizon Agent工作人员状态和状态事务日志。 参数:
- 200 -- success
name | subfield | type | description |
workers | json | the current status of each worker and its subworkers. | |
name | string | the name of the worker. | |
status | string | the status of the worker. The valid values are: added, started, initialized, initialization failed, terminating, t erminated. | |
subworker_status | json | the name and the status of the subworkers that are created by this worker. | |
worker_status_log | string array | the history of the worker status changes. |
curl -s http://localhost:8510/status/workers |jq
"workers": {
"AgBot": {
"name": "AgBot",
"status": "terminated",
"subworker_status": {}
"Agreement": {
"name": "Agreement",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"Container": {
"name": "Container",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"ExchangeChanges": {
"name": "ExchangeChanges",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"ExchangeMessages": {
"name": "ExchangeMessages",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"Governance": {
"name": "Governance",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {
"ContainerGovernor": "started",
"MicroserviceGovernor": "started",
"SurfaceExchErrors": "started"
"ImageFetch": {
"name": "ImageFetch",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"Kube": {
"name": "Kube",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"Resource": {
"name": "Resource",
"status": "initialized",
"subworker_status": {}
"worker_status_log": [
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: initialization failed.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Agreement: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Governance: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeMessages: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeMessages: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Container: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: terminated.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ImageFetch: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ImageFetch: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Kube: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Kube: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Resource: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Resource: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeChanges: started.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeChanges: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Container: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:06:12 Worker Agreement: initialized.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker SurfaceExchErrors added.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker ContainerGovernor added.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker MicroserviceGovernor added.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker SurfaceExchErrors started.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker ContainerGovernor started.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker MicroserviceGovernor started.",
"2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: initialized."
具体各个API的信息请参阅 https://github.com/open-horizon/anax/blob/master/docs/api.md