Horizon Agent API

本文档包含在边缘节点上运行的Horizon Agent的Horizon REST API。 API的输出为JSON紧凑格式。为了获得更好的视图,可以在Web浏览器中使用JSONView扩展名,也可以从命令行界面使用jq命令。例如:

curl -s http://<ip>/status | jq '.'

API: GET/status






  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
configuration json the configuration data.
exchange_api string the url for the exchange being used by the Horizon agent.
exchange_version string the current version of the exchange being used.
required_minimum_exchange_version string the required minimum version for the exchange.
preferred_exchange_version string the preferred version for the exchange in order to use all the horizon functions.
mms_api string the url for the model management system.
architecture string the hardware architecture of the node as returned from the Go language API runtime.GOARCH.
horizon_version string The current version of the horiozn running on this node.
connectivity json whether or not the node has network connectivity with some remote sites.


curl -s http://localhost:8510/status | jq '.'
  "configuration": {
    "exchange_api": "http://exchange-api:8080/v1/",
    "exchange_version": "2.15.1",
    "required_minimum_exchange_version": "2.15.1",
    "preferred_exchange_version": "2.15.1",
    "mms_api": "https://css-api:9443",
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "horizon_version": "2.24.5"
  "liveHealth": null

API: GET/status/workers

获取当前Horizo​​n Agent工作人员状态和状态事务日志。 参数:




  • 200 -- success


name subfield type description
workers json the current status of each worker and its subworkers.
name string the name of the worker.
status string the status of the worker. The valid values are: added, started, initialized, initialization failed, terminating, t erminated.
subworker_status json the name and the status of the subworkers that are created by this worker.
worker_status_log string array the history of the worker status changes.


curl -s  http://localhost:8510/status/workers |jq
  "workers": {
    "AgBot": {
      "name": "AgBot",
      "status": "terminated",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Agreement": {
      "name": "Agreement",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Container": {
      "name": "Container",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "ExchangeChanges": {
      "name": "ExchangeChanges",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "ExchangeMessages": {
      "name": "ExchangeMessages",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Governance": {
      "name": "Governance",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {
        "ContainerGovernor": "started",
        "MicroserviceGovernor": "started",
        "SurfaceExchErrors": "started"
    "ImageFetch": {
      "name": "ImageFetch",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Kube": {
      "name": "Kube",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
    "Resource": {
      "name": "Resource",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {}
  "worker_status_log": [
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: initialization failed.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Agreement: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Governance: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeMessages: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeMessages: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Container: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker AgBot: terminated.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ImageFetch: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ImageFetch: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Kube: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Kube: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Resource: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Resource: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeChanges: started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker ExchangeChanges: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:07 Worker Container: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:06:12 Worker Agreement: initialized.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker SurfaceExchErrors added.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker ContainerGovernor added.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker MicroserviceGovernor added.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker SurfaceExchErrors started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker ContainerGovernor started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: subworker MicroserviceGovernor started.",
    "2020-03-27 19:19:32 Worker Governance: initialized."

具体各个API的信息请参阅 https://github.com/open-horizon/anax/blob/master/docs/api.md

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